Cooperative Ownership

Rents Keep Rising, But Coops Are Still Getting More Affordable

If you have been looking for the right time to get out of the rental market but can't see your way to home ownership, join us

man wearing black cap with love your neighbour print during daytime

Are you ready to step into a new era of housing cooperatives? Look no further than housing co-ops – where innovation, equity, and community converge to redefine how we live, connect, and thrive together.

A major factor affecting your rent or mortgage payment is the way the market system gradually moves most of the money toward investors. 

We are developing a not-for-profit housing cooperatives that offers housing at the best possible prices for co-op members. We do this by:

  • using goverment funding to get low loan rates, 
  • collaborating with cities to get concessions on density and waivers on fees, 
  • asking socially minded investors and future residents to make investments keeping the developer profit with the members,
  • streamlining the real estate transaction costs